
AD+Sign Pro

A Page is where your digital signage content is added to be shown on your AD+Sign Player. A Page's properties include:

Property Description
Resolution (W & H) Pixel width and height of the Page. Typically matches the pixel resolution of your Player's connected display.
Background Colour Hex colour value of the Page's background.
Text Colour The default hex colour value of the Page's text. Can be overridden in certain Element settings

Each Player creates its own Page, named 'Default'. This page cannot be removed and serves as the default page for displaying content. Global Pages can be assigned to multiple Players at once, see Global Resources - Pages for more details.

Creating Content

Find the Player you wish to create content for, click it to navigate to its Preview page. Click the Edit Page button to navigate to the Canvas.


Application screenshot showing a blank white canvas with a properties panel on the right
AD+Sign Canvas - where you create your content

In the top-left corner of the page are the navigation options for navigating to other pages within the application.

The majority of the screen is the canvas view, where you can zoom and pan around the canvas to view your content.

On the bottom of the screen is the Elements Panel, where you can add Elements to the Page.

The right portion of the screen is the Properties Panel. This is where options for individual elements will be configured.

Using Page Templates

When first editing a Player's default page you will be prompted to try using AD+Sign Page Templates. These are pre-configured and fully editable pages containing a variety of content for you to make your own.

If you are editing your Player's default page and cannot find the AD+Sign Templates button next to the zoom controls, make sure your page is completely empty.
Application screenshot showing an empty canvas with a prompt directing the user to a button labelled AD+Sign Templates
Page Templates Prompt

To apply a Page Template to your Page, click AD+Sign Templates

This will open a Page Template Selection modal where you can choose the Page Template you wish to apply. You can use the search bar to search for a specific Page Template or use the filter options to find templates for specific screen resolutions or orientations.

Application screenshot showing a grid of pages to choose from with a search bar on top
Page Template Selection

Once you've selected your Template, click Apply Page Template

The Page Template will now be applied to your Player.

Editing Page Properties

With no Elements selected, Properties Panel will show details of the Canvas Page. Here you can click 'Edit Properties' to edit the Canvas Page.

Application screenshot showing a menu with select and colour picker inputs for Page resolution and colour options
Page Properties

This will open a modal with inputs for Resolution, Background Colour and Text Colour. You can choose a Resolution Preset from a list of common page resolutions, or use the 'Custom Resolution' option to define your own.

To apply these changes to your Page, click Apply

Adding a Element

To add a Element to the Page, click the icon button in the Elements Panel. You can add a Media Library to the Page using the photograph icon . The Element will be added to the Page and shall appear in the Canvas.

Selecting Elements

You can select a Element by clicking on it, either on the canvas or in the Elements portion of the Properties Panel. It will highlight with an orange outline when selected.

Moving Elements

Elements can be moved by clicking and dragging it into position on the canvas. Alternatively, you can use the X and Y coordinates in the Element Properties when the Element is selected. Here you can type the pixel coordinates of where you'd like to place the Element.

A Element's X and Y coordinates refer to the top-left corner of the Element's bounding box.

Resizing Elements

Elements can be resized using the W and H values in the Elements Properties when the Element is selected. These values refer to the Width and Height of a Element in pixels.

Remove Elements

Remove a element by finding it in the Elements portion of the Properties Panel and clicking the button.

Application screenshot with a highlighted square on a canvas, with text inputs in the top-right corner showing its new position and size
A moved and resized Media Library Element

Applying Changes

To ensure that your changes are applied to the Page, click Save Changes . Your changes will be reflected immediately in the Page Preview.

  • If you are editing a Player Page and the Player is online, you will have the option to Save and Refresh Player
  • This will save your changes and refresh the Player's content to reflect the changes you have made